Three-year-old Jacob consumed Salmonella-contaminated Austin Toasty Crackers with peanut butter. Jacob’s parents purchased the crackers at Costco Wholesale in Wilsonville, Oregon.
Jacob’s stool sample collected on January 7, 2009 was positive for Salmonella, serotype Group B, Typhimurium. PFGE testing conducted on the Salmonella isolate was a genetic “match” to the national outbreak pattern associated with PCA peanut butter.
Stool Culture Results:
• Confirmed Salmonella Typhimurium
• Serotype Group B
• Xba I Pattern – JPXX01.0459
Jacob was three years old on January 3, 2009 when he fell ill. At the time, he appeared to his parents to be coming down with the flu. He was sallow, lethargic and feverish. Soon, it became clear that it was not the flu. He began to vomit, and the bouts of diarrhea became more frequent. On January 6, Jacob’s parent’s noticed that his diarrhea had turned bloody, and decided that he needed medical attention.
Cameron Luck, MD, at the Children’s Clinic in Tualatin, Oregon, saw Jacob that day. He was noted to be suffering from vomiting and bloody, mucous diarrhea. Dr. Luck ordered a stool culture that later returned positive for Salmonella typhimurium. Dr. Luck advised that the Hurley’s push Jacob to consume lots of fluids, and restrict his diet to bland foods.
Jacob returned home and his diarrhea continued. In fact, before his illness was over, he would endure eleven days of diarrhea. His ongoing, infectious diarrhea was of particular concern in the Hurley household because of the presence of his seven-month-old sister, Alyssa. Thankfully, due to the Hurley’s diligence, Alyssa did not fall ill. After Jacob’s diarrhea finally ceased on January 13, 2009, he began to regain his appetite and strength.
And, then Jacob went to Washington D.C. to call for safer food.