Congress passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938 in reaction to growing public safety demands. The primary goal of the Act was to protect the health and safety of the public by preventing deleterious, adulterated or misbranded articles from entering interstate commerce. Under section 402(a)(4) of the Act, a food product is
Lawyer Op-Ed
Hey, CDC, it is time (past time) to recommend Food Service Workers be vaccinated against Hepatitis A
At the risk of aging myself with the term “broken record.”
Definition of broken record
: a damaged record that repeats part of a recording over and over again —used figuratively in describing something (such as a statement or experience) that is frequently or tediously repeated The Devil Rays’ season of broken dreams has become…
STOP – Infants are Dying – Get Cronobacter sakazakii on the Nationally Notifiable Disease List – Sign the Petition!
In 2022 alone, two infants have died and five more are extremely ill due to a deadly bacteria called Cronobacter sakazakii. It is in contaminated baby formula that was sold in grocery stores.
For babies that get infected by this bacteria, up to 80% may die [JAMA October
Hepatitis A still sweeping the United States
Since the outbreaks were first identified in 2016, 37 states have publicly reported the following as of April 15, 2022
- Cases: 44,209
- Hospitalizations: 27,018 (61%)
- Deaths: 420
- 37 States
Get vaccinated – also, please, food service workers, get vaccinated too.
The hepatitis A virus (HAV) causes an acute, self-limiting infection of the liver that is
Hey Chicken Little, the sky will not fall if Salmonella is deemed an adulterant
If Salmonella is deemed an adulterant – at least those that sicken and kill us – the sky will not fall – history as a guide.
On Jan. 19, 2020, we filed a petition with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), on behalf of Rick Schiller, Steven Romes, the Porter family, Food & Water…
As FDA gets questioned it continues to do the work
A few days ago Politico posted “The FDA’s Food Failure,” Clearly,. the FDA has much work to do. However, the last years have brought a level of transparency to the FDA that it had not shown in the past – at least as it relates to the fact and the status of outbreak investigations.
A Food Safety Manifesto for the FDA – Updated
I have a lot of food safety friends – some who will and will not admit it publicly. Here is one of the best emails I received recently after Politico posted “The FDA’s Food Failure,” a 36-page investigation (Pulitzer Prize eligible) by Helena Bottemiller Evich that details the fact that food safety is not a…
What does Marler eat at a Restaurant?
First published in Insider.
Bill Marler is an attorney who specializes in food borne illness cases.
Most of the cases he’s worked on have involved either undercooked or prepackaged foods.
He’s learned to always order food cooked well done and to avoid salads to reduce his risk of food poisoning.
When it comes to eating…
Damn, I made Food Safety Talk 259: No Bill, You Pay Us
Food Safety Talk 259: No Bill, You Pay Us
The guys are joined by friend of the show and food safety lawyer Bill Marler, for his second time on the show (but first in 8 years). The group talks about food safety advocacy, how the civil legal system supports change within the
FDA shuts down animal food manufacturer due to Salmonella – Is Abbott infant formula with Cronobacter next?
NOTE: BRAVO PET FOODS IS NOT BRAVO PACKING INC. Bravo Pet Foods, located in Manchester, CT, has NO relationship OF ANY KIND with Bravo Packing. Bravo Pet Foods has been producing ultra high end frozen and freeze dried diets for pets for 20 years.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today that Bravo…