Look what’s in the Federal Register – https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/11/18/2022-25140/expansion-of-fsis-shiga-toxin-producing-escherichia-coli-stec-testing-to-additional-raw-beef

Not sure why this is not in a press release – but as my friends “down under”say: “Good on ya mate.”


Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA.




The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing that on February 1, 2023, the Agency

Helena Bottemiller Evich’s well done piece in Politico “The FDA’s Food Failure,” that hit the internet very early this morning, is a stunning, but not surprising, indictment of our government’s food safety failures that transcends political parties and administrations. Note, for someone who has been directly involved in food safety for the last almost 30

In 2015, we were involved in litigation with Chipotle over Norovirus cases in Massachusetts and California and a Salmonella outbreak in Minnesota.  And, folks recall both E. coli outbreaks – O26 and O157 as well, which we also prosecuted.  

Then the Justice Departments press release – its headlines ALL CAPS – landed in my inbox.

Not  to be confused with the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth, although, perhaps some of these outbreaks were sinful.  I had the honor to represent many of the ill and the families of those who died.

Jack-in-the- Box E. coli Outbreak – 1992 – 1993

708 ill, 171 hospitalized