Tuna StripsMoon Fishery (India) Pvt. Ltd., the Manufacturer of the Yellow Fin Tuna Nakaochi Scrape that was recently recalled by a U.S. Distributor, is also recalling its 22 pound cases of “Tuna Strips” Product of India AA or AAA GRADE because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Consumers should take precautions when choosing to eat raw seafood and be sure that the raw tuna they decide to consume is not from the implicated lots. If in doubt, don’t eat it.

Moon India became aware of the problem after the FDA sampled tuna strips from a lot not yet in distribution. However as a cautionary measure Moon India agreed to recall tuna strips that were already distributed, none of which is from the suspect lot sampled by FDA. Distribution of these AA or AAA Grade Tuna Strips Product of India is limited to 4 wholesalers: one in Georgia, one in Massachusetts, one in New Jersey and one in New York.

The wholesalers may have broken the shipments into smaller lots for further distribution. The frozen raw yellow fin tuna product was originally packaged in white boxes with black writing naming the importer as Moon Marine USA Corporation, a separate and independent company, and identifying the contents as Tuna Strips AA or AAA, Product of India. The boxes contain several vacuum-wrapped packages with no further labeling.

Distribution of the product has been suspended while FDA and the company continue their investigation as to the scope of the problem.

Product sellers, including distributors and restaurants, should consult their suppliers to determine whether the Tuna Strips from India in their possession originated from Moon India. The product may not be accompanied by lot numbers or labeling information.