FDA and CDC Salmonella Bareilly and Nchanga Outbreak Investigation Update
As many as 32 Hospitalized
The FDA’s Office in New Delhi, India has initiated a seafood HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) inspection at the Nakaochi scrape yellowfin tuna manufacturer, Moon Fishery Pvt Ltd. in Aroor, India. A report on the inspection will be posted to the www.fda.gov website when finalized by FDA. The FDA was informed that April 12, 2012 was the last day of tuna processing at the firm due to the seasonal nationwide ban on tuna harvest from the Indian Ocean. There is now evidence as yet where in prodcution the tuna became tainted with Salmonella.
Records obtained by FDA and traceback efforts indicated that Moon Marine USA Corporation of Cupertino, California imported the product. Moon Marine recalled all their frozen raw yellowfin tuna product imported from India, labeled as Nakaochi Scrape AA or AAA, totaling approximately 58,000 pounds. Link to photos of recalled product. Link to photos of recalled product.
Nakaochi Scrape is tuna meat, which is specifically scraped off from the backbone/ribs, and resembles a ground product. This particular product is designed for retail distribution only to restaurants and grocery stores and is used to make sushi, sashimi, ceviche and similar dishes.
The FDA collected and tested samples of unopened packages of recalled Nakaochi Scrape from Moon Marine USA Corporation. FDA laboratories have identified Salmonella in two samples of Nakaochi scrape yellowfin tuna with a PFGE pattern indistinguishable from the Salmonella Bareilly strain associated with this outbreak. One of the samples also yielded another type of Salmonella with a PFGE pattern indistinguishable from the cluster of Salmonella Nchanga infections.
A total of 7 clusters at restaurants or grocery stores have been identified where 2 or more unrelated ill persons reported eating in the week before illness. In each cluster, at least one ill person reported eating sushi purchased at the restaurant or grocery store. These clusters are located in 5 states: Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Two hundred forty-seven persons infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Bareilly have been reported from 24 states and the District of Columbia. The number of ill persons with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Bareilly identified in each state is as follows: Alabama (2), Arkansas (1), California (2), Connecticut (9), District of Columbia (2), Florida (1), Georgia (10), Illinois (23), Louisiana (3), Maryland (24), Massachusetts (27), Mississippi (2), Missouri (4), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (25), New York (39), North Carolina (4), Pennsylvania (20), Rhode Island (6), South Carolina (3), Tennessee (2), Texas (4), Virginia (16), Vermont (1), and Wisconsin (16). Eleven persons infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Nchanga have been reported from 5 states. The number of ill persons with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Nchanga identified in each state is as follows: Georgia (2), New Jersey (2), New York (5), Virginia (1), and Wisconsin (1). 32 ill persons have been hospitalized, and no deaths have been reported.
See complications following Salmonella infection – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Reactive Arthritis or “Reiter’s Syndrome.”