According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 84 people from Ohio (23), Michigan (53), Pennsylvania (2), and Indiana (6), have been infected with the same strain of E. coli O157:H7, with illness onset dates ranging from July 26 through August 9, 2022. At least 38 individuals have been hospitalized, and at least 8 have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a complication with a mortality rate of 5%.
The E. coli attorneys at Marler Clark filed additional lawsuits in Michigan Circuit Courts, against Wendy’s, Co., and John Doe Corporation (lettuce producer), on behalf of Zachary Nitz and Ebone Colbert-Taylor. Both individuals became ill after eating hamburgers at Wendy’s restaurants and were positively identified as part of the multi-state Wendy’s outbreak. The plaintiffs are represented by Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, and local counsel, Michael Heilmann. Marler Clark has also filed four individual lawsuits in Ohio. Additional lawsuits will be brought in the coming days. Marler Clark clients are from hard hit Michigan and Ohio as well as Indiana and Pennsylvania.
Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, is the nation’s leading law firm representing victims of E. coli outbreaks and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The E. coli lawyers of Marler Clark have represented thousands of victims of E. coli and other foodborne illness infections and have recovered over $850 Million for clients in the last 29 years. Marler Clark is the only law firm in the nation with a practice focused exclusively on foodborne illness litigation. For more information visit
Additional Resources:
- About E. coli – a complete online resource with information on symptoms and risks of E. coli infection
- About hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) – a complete online resource with information about acute kidney failure
- Marler Clark E. coli Lawsuits and Litigation
- A downloadable Family Health Guide on E. coli (PDF)
- Video on E. coli O157:H7 and HUS
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