Reuter’s P.J. Huffstutter reported this evening that U.S. military bases and military commissaries in five states that supply food to personnel and their families are among the outlets believed to have received Salmonella Heidelberg-tainted chicken produced by Foster Farms, the USDA/FSIS said on Tuesday.

U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine bases in the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Washington may have received the chicken, according to an updated list of recipients of the poultry that was recalled last week. The recalled products may have been sold to the bases themselves, as well as on-base commissaries, the agency said.

The Defense Department has awarded California-based Foster Poultry Farms with $190.4 million worth of contracts for poultry products from 2003 through 2012, according to the government procurement website

According to the CDC, as of July 2, 2014, a total of 621 persons infected with seven outbreak strains of Salmonella Heidelberg have been reported from 29 states and Puerto Rico, since March 1, 2013.

Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Washington all received the Foster Farms chicken and have illnesses linked to the product.  It is unclear at this time if members of the military or their families are any of the 621 counted as ill.