Mystery Listeria: As of February 14, 2023, a total of 11 people infected with the outbreak strain of Listeria have been reported from 10 states – Arkansas, California, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Washington. Sick people’s samples were collected from July 3, 2018, to January 31, 2023.
Sick people range in age from 47 to 88 years, with a median age of 73, and 73% are female. Race or ethnicity information is available for ten sick people. One sick person reported Hispanic ethnicity. Of nine people that did not report Hispanic ethnicity, eight are White and one is African American/Black. Of ten people with information available, all have been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported. State and local public health officials are interviewing people to find out what foods they ate in the month before they got sick.
Public health investigators are using the PulseNet system to identify illnesses that may be part of this outbreak. CDC PulseNet manages a national database of DNA fingerprints of bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses. DNA fingerprinting is performed on bacteria using a method called whole genome sequencing (WGS). WGS showed that bacteria from sick people’s samples are closely related genetically. This suggests that people in this outbreak got sick from the same food.
Listeria Enoki Mushrooms: Epidemiologic and laboratory data show that enoki mushrooms are contaminated with Listeria and are making people sick. FDA found two strains of Listeria in an import sample of Utopia Foods brand enoki mushrooms. One strain is linked to the two illnesses that were already included in this outbreak, and the other strain is linked to one additional illness. Both strains are now included in this outbreak investigation.
Since the last update on November 22, 2022, one more illness has been linked to this outbreak. As of January 18, 2023, three people infected with the outbreak strains of Listeria have been reported from three states – California, Nevada and Michigan. Sick people’s samples were collected from October 3, 2022, to October 8, 2022. Sick people range in age from 30 to 56 years, with a median of 42 years, and 66% are male. Two people are Hispanic, and one person is Asian. All three have been hospitalized, and no deaths have been reported.
FDA found the outbreak strains of Listeria in an import sample of Utopia Foods brand enoki mushrooms. Previously, in December 2022, Missouri state officials conducted routine sampling and found Listeria in a sample of Utopia Foods brand enoki mushrooms. The Listeria found in this sample was not the outbreak strains, and it was not linked to any reported Listeria illness in the United States. On December 13, 2022, Utopia Foods recalled these enoki mushrooms. On January 13, 2023, Utopia Foods expanded their recall of enoki mushrooms.
Salmonella “Sproutbreak”: As of December 29, 2022, a total of 15 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella have been reported from three states – South Dakota, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Illnesses started on dates ranging from December 2, 2022, to December 13, 2022.
Sick people range in age from 19 to 78 years, with a median age of 39, and 67% are female. Of 14 people with information available, two have been hospitalized.
FDA’s preliminary traceback evidence indicates that the restaurants and grocery stores identified in this outbreak received alfalfa sprouts from SunSprout Enterprises. Additionally, two of the individuals identified in this outbreak confirmed they had purchased Sun Sprouts brand alfalfa sprouts from their local grocery store.