The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is reporting that there are more than 150 suspected local cases of gastrointestinal illness linked to the consumption of raw oysters, likely caused by norovirus. At this time, Public Health is warning consumers not to eat raw oysters from Laguna De Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico; Laguna
Norovirus Attorney
What do you need to know about Norovirus during an Outbreak
Sushi Nine Norovirus Outbreak
Wake County Public Health and Wake County Environmental Services are alerting the public of three confirmed cases of norovirus, all linked to a local Raleigh restaurant. Norovirus is a very contagious illness that can make people sick soon after coming in contact with an infected person, eating contaminated food, or touching…
Marler Clark files Norovirus Lawsuit against Sushi Nine
Wake County Public Health and Wake County Environmental Services are alerting the public of three confirmed cases of norovirus, all linked to a local Raleigh restaurant. Norovirus is a very contagious illness that can make people sick soon after coming in contact with an infected person, eating contaminated food, or touching contaminated surfaces. All individuals…
What do you need to know during a Norovirus Outbreak
The Hawaii Department of Health notified the FDA of five people who got sick from consuming raw oyster shooters at a restaurant in Hawaii on May 10, 2023. Traceback information found that the source for the raw oysters was that shipment by Dai One Food. Samples collected from the 4/14/2022 harvest date tested positive for…
So, which unnamed Paso Robles restaurant is link in Norovirus Outbreak?
The San Luis Obispo Tribune reports that an outbreak of norovirus stemming from a North County restaurant has sickened close to 100 people, according to the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department. SLO County Public Health Epidemiologist Jessie Burmester said 97 people have been reported sick as part of a confirmed norovirus outbreak earlier…
Norovirus sickens nearly 100 in Paso Robles, yet San Luis Obispo Health Department is mum on restaurant name
I must admit, in 30 years of doing food safety, I seldom recall a health department withholding from the public the source of an outbreak – even Norovirus.
I am reminded by a story some 10 years ago – After Food Safety News broke the story that Taco Bell was the mysterious “Restaurant Chain…
Whats does Norovirus, Bridal Shower, Wedding and Football Banquet have in common? Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
KDKA news reports that after at least 200 people reported getting sick from large events at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott, an inspection found two violations before the hotel passed a reinspection a couple of days later.
According to an Allegheny County Health Department report from April 5, an inspector found cleaning and sanitization violations like…
Norovirus Oyster update – now 431 sick in Canada and the United States
Canada reports: As of April 8, 2022, there have been 328 cases of norovirus and gastrointestinal illness linked to consumption of British Columbia oysters reported in the following provinces: British Columbia (293), Alberta (3), Saskatchewan (1), Manitoba (15) and Ontario (16). Individuals became sick between mid-January and early April 2022, and no deaths have…
What you need to know about Norovirus during an Oyster Outbreak
Well, first, don’t eat British Columbia, Canada oysters for a bit.
What is the Norovirus?
Nature has created an ingenious bug in norovirus. The round blue ball structure of norovirus is actually a protein surrounding the virus’s genetic material. The virus attaches to the outside of cells lining the intestine, and then transfers its genetic…
Over 300 with Norovirus linked to British Columbia Raw Oysters
Multiple recalls of British Columbia oysters since mid-March. Illness in Canada began mid-January. Illnesses in both Seattle and Minnesota began in mid-March. 279 with Norovirus in Canada, 29 with Norovirus in Minnesota and 27 with Norovirus in Seattle. Minnesota health officials announced that they are working with “federal officials and public health agencies in other …