Helena Bottemiller Evich’s well done piece in Politico “The FDA’s Food Failure,” that hit the internet very early this morning, is a stunning, but not surprising, indictment of our government’s food safety failures that transcends political parties and administrations. Note, for someone who has been directly involved in food safety for the last almost 30
How the FDA has Jurisdiction over Everything Chipotle
This policy guide sets forth the position of FDA with respect to products composed of ingredients, which were shipped in interstate commerce and were then used in the manufacture of a finished product. This policy is applicable only when the finished product has not itself been shipped in interstate commerce as defined by Section 20l(b)…
Government Puts Consumers At Risk
According to press reports, an FDA requested panel says food safety in particular is in crisis. (Full Report) Questions about the FDA’s effectiveness have been underscored by alarming headlines in recent years — including E. coli in spinach, deadly chemicals in pet foods, toxic toothpaste and the heart-damaging side effects of drugs. The report says…
Smoking Cow Pie
FDA Statement on Foodborne E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak in Spinach
Positive Test Results
FDA and the State of California announced today that test results from the field investigation of the outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in spinach are positive for E. coli O157:H7. Samples of cattle feces on one of the implicated ranches tested positive…
Food Safety Attorney, William Marler, Speaks Out On Mad Cow
We as Americans have grown up believing that our food supply is the safest in the world. But the CDC estimates that over 300,000 people are hospitalized and over 5,000 die, just from eating food contaminated with a pathogen. In recent years, E. coli outbreaks have been linked to not just ground beef, but also…