Health officials confirmed Wednesday they are investigating a cyclosporiasis infection outbreak that reportedly affected more than 100 people and three Wake County restaurants.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) said the outbreak was identified in July. A spokeswoman with DHHS tells WRAL, “We have not identified the specific contaminated food item

Cyclospora is a parasite composed of one cell, too small to be seen without a microscope. The organism was previously thought to be a blue-green alga or a large form of CryptosporidiumCyclospora cayetanensis is the only species of this organism found in humans. 

Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness caused by the parasite Cyclospora

Harris County Public Health (HCPH), the Houston Health Department and Fort Bend County Health & Human Services, have received reports of an increased number of Cyclospora infections within their jurisdictions and urge people to use caution this summer while cooking and spending time outdoors.

Cyclospora is a non-life-threatening gastrointestinal illness caused by an intestinal parasite.

More than 100 people are sick in a new outbreak of infections caused by the microscopic Cyclospora parasite, but federal officials have not yet determined the source.

As of July 6, the Food and Drug Administration reported 105 patients had been confirmed in the outbreak. The agency has not reported where the patients live.


CDC — Notes from the Field: Doubling of Cyclosporiasis Cases Partially Attributable to a Specific Salad Kit — Florida, 2021–2022 

Increase in gastrointestinal illnesses in Florida in 2022 linked to salad kits: 

            •          Cyclosporiasis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by a parasite acquired through ingestion of food or water contaminated with feces that contain the parasite.

Fast Facts
• Illnesses: 210
• Hospitalizations: 30
• Deaths: 0
• States reporting cases: 22
• Investigation status: Active (first posted on May 25, 2023)

Since this outbreak was announced, we have been investigating Cyclospora illnesses in Georgia, Alabama, Wyoming, and Colorado. We have been retained by a dozen sickened individuals. We have filed

The CDC, FDA, and state and local partners have determined that the outbreak of Cyclospora cayetanensis has ended and have closed the investigation. Based on epidemiological investigations conducted by CDC and state and local partners, ill people reported eating broccoli before becoming sick. FDA and state and local partners conducted traceback investigations and determined that

The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) is investigating multiple reports of Cyclospora infection statewide. ADPH has seen more infections with this parasite since April, and there are more than twice as many cases as were reported in Alabama last year. The FDA reports that it is investigating a  Cyclospora outbreak with as many as

As of July 8, 2020, there are 37 confirmed cases of Cyclospora illness linked to this outbreak in three provinces: Ontario (26), Quebec (10) and Newfoundland and Labrador (1). Individuals became sick between mid-May and mid-June 2020. One individual has been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported. Individuals who became ill are between 21 and