Gabrielle Meunier is a resident of South Burlington, whose 7-year-old son became ill from a Salmonella infection in 2008. She is in Washington DC this week to meet with members of the Vermont delegation about the Food Safety Modernization Act. She spoke with Vermont Edition about the meeting, and her son’s experience with a food borne illness.
Oregonian reporter Lynne Terry reports about a Portland cop turned advocate is back in the U.S. capital this week, urging Congress to support funding for a crackdown on food safety. Officer Peter Hurley, who’s taking vacation time from his job in Central Precinct, has met with two Oregon lawmakers, and has another meeting on Thursday. His son became sick in the same outbreak that sickened Ms. Meunier’s son.
I think many who might read my blog think I get a bunch of money for my clients and then they go on their merry way – not so – they are still out try to help protect all of us. I am very proud and honored.