As the U.S. media generally is focused on the Topps E. coli recall, Dick Kaukas, reporter for the Courier Journal has become “Mr. E. coli” over the last week covering what is arguably a far more tragic story.
Floyd County confirms two more E. coli cases – 10 now linked to outbreak at school
As Mr. Kaukas reported this morning:
The number of confirmed cases of the most serious form of E. coli climbed to 10 yesterday in Floyd County, with the two latest cases being ones that had been considered probable or suspected, the county Health Department said.
What is most concerning is the attack rate of HUS:
The number of people infected with E. coli in Floyd County has jumped to 10, including seven schoolchildren who suffered kidney failure and required dialysis machines [Developed HUS], health officials said Tuesday.
To put this in context, in most E. coli outbreaks you would expect to see 1 person with HUS for every 10 sick – not 7 out of 10. In the dozens of E. coli outbreaks that we have been involve with since 1993, I have not see the attack rate fro HUS that high. In the Finley School E. coli outbreak, only one child developed severe HUS.