According to the ABA Journal – These are the 100 best Web sites by lawyers, for lawyers, as chosen by the editors of the ABA Journal. 

The ABA’s readers clued them in to a few law blogs they had never seen before, and you’ll find them among the 40 blawgs that are new to the list this year.

For a list of all 100 blawgs, complete with their companion Twitter feeds and extra quick takes, click hereTo vote, click here then go to practice specific. 

Here is the ABA Journal description of

Marler Blog is the flagship of Seattle lawyer Bill Marler’s fleet of 10 blogs devoted to food-borne illness. It covers reports of outbreaks and adds commentary on how governments and corporations should respond to them.

Twitter: @bmarler

Quick Take: Marler took his show on the road, appearing on Larry King Live in October as an expert on food-borne illness.