The oysters were distributed through wholesale dealers and retail stores in Oregon and California.
On January 30, Coos Bay Oyster Company recalled Plastic Tubs (1/2 gallon, quart, pint, half – pint), Coos Bay Oyster Co., Raw/Ready – to – eat Shucked Oysters, with sell by dates from January 15 – February 17, 2014 because they have the potential to be contaminated with Campylobacter. On January 31, the recall was expanded to include all of its shellstock oysters in red onion sacks containing five (5) dozen shellstock oysters (various sizes) with a Coos Bay Oyster Co. label and shellstock tags with various harvest dates (December 2013-January 2014).
The recall is the result of an epidemiologic investigation of a Campylobacter outbreak in Oregon. There have been three (3) confirmed reported cases of Campylobacter illness related with the consumption of raw shucked oysters to date. The three Oregon patients who became ill with Campylobacter coli (a less common species of Campylobacter) reported illness after eating raw oysters between January 15-20, 2014. All patients were males between 50-75 years of age. Of the three patients, two were hospitalized and are reportedly recovering well.
The Oregon Health Authority has announced the investigation of a cluster of three Campylobacter cases among Oregon residents who consumed raw oysters. The oysters came from two different markets in Lane and Coos counties. The oysters were harvested from Coos Bay Oyster Company of Charleston, Oregon. Campylobacter is an organism that can cause serious and some times fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.
Coos Bay Oyster Company has ceased the production and distribution of the product as the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA).