Here is the latest from the FDA:

Case Counts

Total Adverse Illness Events:


Hospitalizations: 96*

Deaths: 0

Last illness onset: July 9, 2022*

States with Adverse Illness Events: AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, MD, MA, MN, MI, MO, MT, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI

Product Distribution: Nationwide*

Estimate based on Consumer Complaint and CAERs reports received by the FDA

Thank you to our 252 clients who have reached out to the FDA to report their “Adverse Illness Events,” also known as acute liver failure, with hospitalizations, blood draws, multiple other procedures, including CTs and MRIs, liver biopsies (about a dozen) and gall baller removals (nearly 25). Thank you also providing leftover product to both the lab we are using and the FDA as we search for the common contaminate that is causing these common symptoms.

To date there a no confirming tests. We hope to have updates soon as we know clients. patients and physicians are frustrated with the lack of knowledge.

We have filed lawsuits in both state and federal court to more effectively push discovery against both Daily Harvest and the manufacturer of the product, Stone Gate. We need to know what is the likely common ingredient and who supplied it. We need to understand all food safety protocols and what went wrong. We need to know when these companies first were aware of the “Adverse Illness Events” and what was done with that information.

More to come.