Rumor has it that Governor Jim Doyle told an online agriculture news site he has not made up his mind one way or another on the raw milk bill the Wisconsin legislature passed. The Governor reportedly told Wisconsin Ag Connection a final decision will be made next week. This statement came just one day after two national milk marketing groups took Wisconsin lawmakers to task for putting together the bill, which would allow limited sale of raw, unpasteurized milk.
Perhaps the Governor looked at the videos I sent him?
Perhaps the Governor listened to me (3:00 AM Seattle Time) chatting on the “Takeaway” with:
David Gumpert is the author of The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights. He says that, under the right circumstances, raw milk is safe. And Bill Marler is an attorney who represents foodborne illness victims. He’s also the editor of He says that raw milk can be extremely risky to people’s health.
Or, perhaps he read this AP article:
Seattle attorney Bill Marler has represented children and families all over the country sickened by E. coli and other food contaminants. As raw milk sales become more common, an inevitable outbreak if illness will make legislators regret liberalizing the laws, he said.
“I’ve just seen too much illness and death due to bacterial contamination, and I frankly just think we ought to minimize it to the extent possible,” Marler said. “When legislation is passed that unwinds 60 years of public health, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences.”