RealRawMilkFacts.jpgThanks to the folks at Real Raw Milk Facts.  This line list was compiled through searches for government and dairy industry press releases, reports, and newsletters announcing dairy-related outbreaks and recalls. The data precedes official statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which typically has a ~2-year time lag before being available to the public.


• 24 raw dairy outbreaks with 309 illnesses, no deaths (22 fluid raw milk, 2 aged raw milk cheese)

• 2 pasteurized dairy outbreak with 39 illnesses, no deaths

• 1 pasteurized Mexican-style cheese sporadic illness, no deaths

• 2 queso fresco Mexican-style cheese outbreak with 67 illnesses, no deaths

• 3 sporadic illnesses and hospitalizations from illegal Mexican-style cheese, no deaths

Recalls (no illnesses reported)

• 14 raw dairy (7 fluid raw milk, 7 aged raw milk cheese) • 7 queso fresco Mexican-style cheese

• 8 pasteurized (non-queso fresco) cheese

• 4 dairy product recalls due to inadequate pasteurization

Download the PDF – Outbreaks, Illnesses and Recalls Linked to Raw (Unpasteurized) and Pasteurized Dairy Products, United States 2010 – present