The Fort Collins Coloradoan reports that Colorado State University will host a Cantaloupe Safety Symposium that will compare findings from recent multistate outbreaks of Listeria and Salmonella.
“The Cantaloupe Safety Symposium: Moving from Response to Prevention” is part of CSU’s work advancing the science and knowledge of food safety, as well as sharing best practices for avoiding foodborne illness from farm to fork. The symposium is designed for farmers, researchers, students and public health professionals.
“We’re trying to broaden this to be a farm-to-table approach with food safety,” said Marisa Bunning, symposium planner and an assistant professor in the CSU Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.
The symposium will run 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 24 in Lory Student Center, Room 230. Attendance is free; lunch (presumably with or without cantaloupe) is included.
None of my 20 Colorado Listeria cantaloupe clients and none of the dozens of people sickened by cantaloupe tainted with Salmonella – some from Colorado – were invited – why? Perhaps Dr. Bunning and those attending, might watch this instead?
2011 Jensen Farms Listeria Cantaloupe Outbreak from Marlerclark on Vimeo.