Andrew Bridges of AP Washington again breaks more on the Veggie Booty Salmonella Wandsworth case:
A New Jersey spice importer supplied the salmonella-contaminated seasoning used on snack food that has sickened 60 people, most of them infants and toddlers, the company recalling the snacks said Thursday. Robert’s American Gourmet Inc. purchased the seasoning from Atlantic Quality Spice & Seasonings, said Robert Ehrlich, president and chief executive of the snack food company. The Sea Cliff, N.Y., company has recalled its Super Veggie Tings Crunchy Corn Sticks and Veggie Booty snack foods, both of which used the spray-on seasoning. Ehrlich said previously the seasoning, believed made with Chinese ingredients, tested positive for a rare strain of salmonella. Officials with Atlantic Quality Spice & Seasonings, of Edison, N.J., had no immediate comment.
I still find it odd that the actual maker of the product has not been named by Mr. Ehrilch. I wonder what he is hiding?