The current EHEC O104:H4, causing a severe outbreak in Germany (May 2011), is microbiologically characterized as follows (1) (27.5.2011; updated 30.5.2011):
Shigatoxin 1: – (negative), Shigatoxin 2 (vtx2a): + (positive), Intimin (eae): – (negative), Enterohemolysin: – (negative)
EaggEC Virulence plasmid: – aatA-PCR: + (positive), – aggR-PCR: + (positive), – aap-PCR: + (positive)
MLST Sequence Type: ST678 (adk 6, fumC6, gyrB 5, icd 136, mdh 9, purA 7, recA 7). (**)
(**) MLST: kindly provided by Prof. Dr. H. Karch; Konsiliarlaboratorium für Hämolytisch-Urämisches Syndrom (HUS) Institut für Hygiene am Universitätsklinikum Münster Robert-Koch-Str. 41, 48149 Münster
Ampicillin R
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid R
Piperacillin/Sulbactam R
Piperacillin/Tazobactam R*
Cefuroxim R
Cefuroxim-Axetil R
Cefoxitin R
Cefotaxim R
Cetfazidim R
Cefpodoxim R
Imipenem S
Meropenem S
Amikacin S
Gentamicin S
Kanamycin S
Tobramycin S
Streptomycin R
Nalidixinsäure R
Ciprofloxacin S
Norfloxacin S
Tetracyclin R
Nitrofurantoin S
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazol R
Chloramphenicol S
Fosfomycin S
* defined as resistent (AES VITEK)
ESBL: + (CTX-M (Group 1), Other ß-Lactamases: TEM-Type +
Macrorestriction pattern (XbaI) from human E. coli O104:H4 isolates from the current outbreak
PFGE according to Prager et al. (2011) IJMM 301:181-191.
Lanes 1 and 5 MW-Standard Salmonella Braenderup H9812. Lane 2: RKI-11-02027 (HUS), Lane 3: RKI-11-02034 (diarrhea), Lane 4: RKI-11-02060 (bloody diarrhea).
1) Source: Nationales Referenzzentrum für Salmonellen und andere bakterielle Enteritiserreger; Robert Koch-Institut; Abteilung 1 Infektionskrankheiten