The ongoing pet food recall by the Food and Drug Administration has now expanded to pork and poultry. According to an FDA report, five states including California have quarantined hog farms and one poultry farm in Missouri due to concerns that feed was contaminated with melamine, the ingredient linked to kidney failure in dogs and cats. Salvage pet food from manufacturers that are part of the pet recall have been traced to these farms. Test results have shown traces of the contaminant in the hogs’ urine. Thus far all the contaminated wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate have been traced to two distributors in China. However the FDA is expanding its testing of imported products to include corn meal, rice bran and soy protein. These imported ingredients may be used for human consumption in products such as bread, pasta, baby formula and pizza dough. The FDA will be taking samples from as many food manufacturers as possible and testing them for melamine contamination.