Cases of confirmed E. coli contamination have authorities looking at a Pitt County petting zoo as a possible source. The Pitt County Health Department tells WITN News that the petting zoo in question is located at Briley’s Farms on Highway 264. The Beaufort County Health Department says two children infected with E. coli visited the same zoo and the Pitt County health authorities shut down the that portion of Briley’s as a precaution. The other parts of Briley’s are not effected, Beaufort County says it is working with health care providers to identify and test additional suspected cases.
This should not come as a surprise. E. coli outbreaks have been linked to petting zoos for years. See, Known Cases of Zoonotic Pathogen Outbreaks Associated with State and County Fairs, Petting Zoos, and Community Activities Involving Human-Animal Contact