Some 400 people have fallen ill after eating at world-renowned restaurant The Fat Duck, which was temporarily closed last month due to a food poisoning scare, officials said on Friday. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) said the number of cases reported at top chef Heston Blumenthal’s eatery had grown after media coverage of the outbreak. Some have reported having fallen ill as early as late January. When the problem initially surfaced at the end of February, it was reported that between 30 and 40 people had complained of illness, including diarrhea and vomiting, over a two to three week period. Likely cause – Norovirus.
"I paid £350 for a plate of his food. Well I’ve been on the shitter for the best half of a week and my projectile vomiting antics resemble something from Linda Blair’s repertoire. I want a refund!" a furious customer said.
Sometimes, you do not get what you pay for. When I am in England in May, I’ll pop in.