All things turn out OK sometimes:
New York Times – For Personal-Injury Lawyer, Michael Pollan’s Book Is Worth Fighting For
The Daily Evergreen – The Donation revives Common Reading
Seattle Business Journal – E. coli lawyer solves WSU ‘Dilemma’
Providing Insight on Food Poisoning Outbreaks & Litigation
Providing Insight on Food Poisoning Outbreaks & Litigation
Poor Bill Baldwin of Forbes – his Editorial “Needed: Tort Lawyers” in this week’s Forbes – has been printed and reprinted on other lawyer blogs and websites to tout their bona fides as food lawyers. Funny thing, all of them missed this part of Mr. Baldwin’s editorial:
Meet William Marler, a 52-year-old Seattle attorney…
(Actually, Channel 11 in Georgia reported it first). 491 (Actually 501) persons infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Typhimurium have been reported from 43 states and Canada. Eight are dead. According to the CDC, patients range in age from <1 to 98 years; 48% are female and 22% reported being hospitalized. Now…