Still going after the small fish?
The Associated Press reported this evening that a second fired worker has been arrested in a case involving alleged abuses at a Chino slaughterhouse that led to the nation’s largest beef recall. Luis Sanchez surrendered to Chino police Wednesday and pleaded not guilty Thursday to three misdemeanors involving the illegal movement of sick or injured cattle. Prosecutors say he remains in custody in lieu of $15,000 bail and is scheduled for a pretrial hearing next week. An arrest warrant was issued Friday for Sanchez and his Westland/Hallmark Meat Company co-worker Daniel Ugarte Navarro. Navarro was taken into custody previously and released on bail. He faces five felony counts of animal abuse in addition to three misdemeanors.
I say what these two workers did (caught on tape) was horrible. But come on, who believes that they abused these animals on their own? What gain do they personally have? What they did was wrong, but who told them to do it?