As the Associated Press reported today, Marler Clark has filed yet another lawsuit against McDonalds. This one is on behalf of Helen Cook who contracted hepatitis A after eating a sandwich at a Mount Vernon McDonald’s restaurant.

From the article:

“It just underscores the need for fast-food restaurants to be ever vigilant about how they handle their product, how they cook their product and who they have working,” Marler said.

As I told the AP, Cook ate breakfast at the Mount Vernon McDonald’s before going to a nearby nursing home to care for her mother. She began to feel sick during a trip to Palm Springs, Calif., when she suffered from fatigue, cold sweats and abdominal soreness. After suffering intense pain and vomiting in April, she was hospitalized and diagnosed with hepatitis.The Skagit County Health Department, which had reports of nine cases of hepatitis-A in the area, traced the outbreak to the McDonald’s, where an assistant manager had the virus and continued to work.

Her illness is a reminder of how vulnerable Americans have become to disease transmitted through food.

This the second I have filed against the same restaurant. The previous suit sought damages on behalf of Nyssa Hall, then 6, who was sickened by E. coli bacteria from undercooked hamburger. That lawsuit was settled.