Prompted by a post by the "Raw Milk Apologist," The Complete Patient – "When It Comes to Discussing Raw Milk Safety, It Helps to Appreciate the Behind-the-Scenes Agendas at Hand," I felt the need to give a bit of a counter-point to "the raw milk kills all ills" propaganda the spews from his keyboard. Here are some hard facts – and recalls and illnesses related to raw milk:
Campylobacter Recall, California (Organic Pastures)
Campylobacter Outbreak, Colorado (Investigation ongoing)
Campylobacter Outbreak, Ferndale, Washington
Campylobacter Recall, Pennsylvania (Dean Farms)
Campylobacter Recall, Pennsylvania (Headricks dairy)
My friends at Barfblog (aptly named) produced this list of Raw Milk Outbreaks and Recalls – hopefully the above updates it.