With the number of ill, and the states they are in, expected to rise in the morning, questions consumers are still asking is where did these cantaloupes go and are any still out there?  This is the alphabetical list of states in which the Jensen Farms, Inc., cantaloupes were sold:

Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

Many of these states have reported, or will report, illnesses and deaths.  As for where Jensen Farms, Inc., cantaloupes were sold, this is the best list I have found of grocery chains and foodservice distributors:

  • Aldi:- Aldi stores are located  in 31 states, primarily from Kansas to the East Coast.
  • King Soopers:- Sweet Rocky Ford Cantaloupe – Jensen Farms; Various sizes. King Soopers has stores in Colorado and Wyoming.
  • Safeway:- Jumbo Rocky Ford Cantaloupe from Jensen Farms; sold in Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico (Aztec and Farmington), South Dakota and Wyoming between August 30 and September 6.
  • U.S. Foodservice:- “A trace‐back from secondary suppliers and processors found a few cases of whole and some “cut” product affected in two USF Distribution Centers in the West. A small number of customers affected have been contacted.”
  • Wal-Mart:- Although Walmart has not posted the recall notice on its website (as of September 16th), a Colorado couple has filed suit against Jensen Farms Inc. and Wal-Mart, alleging that they purchased a “…tainted cantaloupe at a Wal-Mart store on Razorback Road in Colorado Springs.”

And, this is what to look for on the label:


Thanks to efoodalert.