Officials: Lettuce likely caused E. coli outbreak in north Alabama
Health officials say shredded lettuce served at a Huntsville restaurant was probably the source of an E. coli bacteria outbreak that has sickened 18 people in the past week. All signs point to lettuce served by Little Rosie’s Taqueria as the probable culprit. Three remain hospitalized.
Jail Inmates Sickened by E. coli – 70 inmates have fallen ill
A food-borne illness caused by E. coli is behind an outbreak of illness among dozens of inmates at the Jefferson County jail, sheriff’s officials said Wednesday. About 70 inmates have reported symptoms including severe abdominal cramping, diarrhea, vomiting and a low-grade fever. An investigation began Friday, and 37 inmates were still ill and one was hospitalized Wednesday, sheriff’s officials said.
3 Cases Of E. coli Reported In Kentucky
Three cases of E. coli poisoning have been confirmed in Kentucky, according to Buffalo Trace District Health Department director Tim Stump. Stump says all three cases involve juveniles – two in Fleming County and one in Bracken County. The two from Fleming County are from the same family. All three cases involve sub-type O157:H7, the most serious sub-type. No connection between those involved have been found, although food samples have been sent to the state lab for testing. The first case was reported on June 24. Another case in the same family was reported June 29 or 30. The third case was reported June 27. One of the victims remains hospitalized.
Any connection?