According to press reports, the Rhode Island Department of Health said today that a second person linked to the DeFusco’s Bakery Salmonella outbreak has died. A Health Department spokeswoman said the patient was a man in his 90s from Providence County. He died Thursday. The spokeswoman said the man was being tracked as part of the department’s ongoing investigation. He tested positive for Salmonella and ate a baked good made by DeFusco’s Bakery. As of today the Salmonella outbreak toll stood at:
66 Cases Total (65 in Rhode Island, 1 in Massachusetts)
28 Hospitalizations (24 Discharged, 4 Current)
39 Lab-confirmed Salmonella
Now it is two deaths and 1 lawsuit – with more to come.
It is estimated that 1.4 million cases of salmonellosis occur each year in the U.S.; 95% of those cases are foodborne-related. Approximately 220 of each 1000 cases result in hospitalization and eight of every 1000 cases result in death. About 500 to 1,000 or 31% of all food-related deaths are caused by Salmonella infections each year. For more information on Salmonella, see