Marler Clark has been retained by four victims of a June outbreak of salmonellosis at a Gates country club. In an article titled Outbreak Victims Hire Top Lawyer, one of the Florida men (my client) sickened by this outbreak describes the illness he went through as ‘one of the worst weeks of [his] life.’ The other three Marler Clark clients referenced in the article are a Rochester family.
All four attended the same party on June 9 at Brook-Lea Country Club and have culture-confirmed cases of the bacterial illness. The Monroe County Health Department has confirmed 55 other cases so far – not all of them linked to the Pixley Road country club. County records show two significant earlier outbreaks of salmonellosis – one in 1987 and the other in 1995. Both sickened more than 100 people.
As the article says:
Marler Clark has filed Freedom of Information Law requests for state and Monroe County documents about the incident.
“I try not to interfere with Health Department investigations,” said Marler, who has an epidemiologist on staff. “But I monitor what they do.”