Being picked by the ABA and voters as number two is really not that bad. Especially given the fact that I appear to have pissed off the ABA Food Supplements Subcommittee and Products Liability Committee of the Section of Litigation. See, several months ago I was asked by one of the organizers to speak at their Food & Supplements First Annual Regional CLE Workshop on February 17, 2011 in Atlanta and then “dis-invited.” The event is to be held at The Coca-Cola Company, 1 Coca Cola Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30313. Apparently, someone felt that because I had sued a product line of Coca-Cola – Odwalla Juice – responsible for sickening 65 (several with acute kidney failure, HUS) and killing one child – that I would be better to have someone else speak instead.
I guess they did not want me to talk about the fact that Odwalla tried to sell juice (months before the 1996 E. coli Outbreak) to the U.S. Army (not as a biological weapon) and were told that their product was not fit for the military. However, Odwalla kept selling the unpasteurized juice to pregnant women and children. Go figure.