After the recent E. coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to Bravo raw milk gouda cheese that sickened 38 (one with HUS), the New York Times is quickly becoming the go to newspaper for cheese lovers.
Bill Neuman wrote yet another article on cheese – “Raw Milk Cheesemakers Fret Over Possible New Rules” – After Food Safety News reported it and in follow-up to my five part series on raw milk and the “60 day rule” – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 (cheese piece Final updated 12_18_10-1.pdf), and the continuing Outbreaks, illnesses and recalls linked to raw (unpasteurized) and pasteurized dairy products in the United States. He did note in his article from the FDA Inspection Report – Observation 2 – that Bravo packaged cheese for shipment BEFORE the 60 days had run.
Mr. Neuman last year also penned – “As Cheesemaking Blooms, So Can Listeria” and “Small Cheesemaker Defies F.D.A. Over Recall” – following a Listeria recall linked to Estrella Family Creamery (See Inspection) and an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to Sally Jackson Cheese (See Inspection) – both producers from the State of Washington.
The Washington Post also “wheyed” in on cheese with Lyndsey Layton’s article – “FDA ramps up scrutiny on a new area: Cheese”
In case you missed my quote:
“William Marler, a Seattle attorney for 11 people sickened by Bravo Farms cheese, said the government is not singling out small cheesemakers. “The FDA isn’t beating up on artisanal cheesemakers,” he said. “It’s doing its job, which is to protect public health.”
Go Packers! But, think about the cheese on the party plate.