Wendy Johnson of the Pine Journal broke the link to the E. coli outbreak that has sickened dozens at three events on the Fond du Lac Reservation in July.  According to Ms. Johnson. “[a]ll signs point to the potato salad — or more likely one of the raw ingredients that goes into it — as being the cause of the E. coli outbreak that sickened some 60 people.”  According Doug Schultz, spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Health, on Wednesday, the investigation has revealed that the illness came from three separate events, the Elders’ Picnic, a private wedding and a three-day conference. All were held on the reservation between the dates of July 11-16, and all were catered by the same entity.

Karen Diver, chairwoman of the Fond du Lac Band, confirmed the Band did use a caterer for the events, but without the investigation yet identifying a confirmed source, she added, “I do not feel comfortable naming them.”

We have learned that entity is Jim-N-Jo’s Northland Katering.

Ms. Johnson interviewed my client and Fond du Lac band member Robert Danielson, 62.  His description of a typical E. coli infection should clearly dispel any thought that it is “just a tummy ache.”

“I never take medications and I once pulled two of my own teeth, sewed myself up after I cut myself with an ax and toughed out a broken bone,” he related. “I’ve always prided myself on not being a crybaby.”

But early last month, Danielson found himself up against something bigger than he was — E. coli poisoning.

“I’ve experienced a lot of things in my day,” he admitted, “but this one was more than words can say. I truly believed that if it continued, I was going to die.”