I missed Mike Hornick’s (of the Packer) call today about the $10,000 donation from “product liability law firm Marler Clark to the International Sprout Growers Association,” but I like that the donation “will help speed implementation of a food safety audit for sprouts,” according to ISGA president Bob Sanderson. Also, according to Sanderson:
“I have my questions, but they got people scared and that’s probably good,” he said. “Growers don’t want Marler Clark to come calling. Their job is to win settlements for their clients. But I want to believe it goes beyond that too. In a way it’s a sporting gesture. The (NCFST) likes it and maybe it will prompt others to donate or fund research.”
“I haven’t been on the wrong end of their intentions,” said Sanderson, who’s also president of Rochester, Mass.-based Jonathan’s Sprouts. “I wouldn’t want to be.”
We hope so too Bob.