Ironically, I am heading to Arkansas (location of Cargill turkey plant) Sunday to give a two-day seminar at the University of Arkansas School of Law on food safety. Perhaps I should swing by the plant?
A total of 136 persons infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Heidelberg were reported from 34 states with illness onset dates between February 27 and September 13, 2011. The number of ill persons identified in each state was as follows: Alabama (1), Arkansas (1), Arizona (3), California (7), Colorado (4), Connecticut (1), Georgia (2), Illinois (16), Indiana (2), Iowa (2), Kansas (3), Kentucky (2), Louisiana (1), Massachusetts (4), Maryland (1), Michigan (12), Minnesota (2), Mississippi (2), Missouri (7), Nebraska (2), Nevada (1), New Jersey (1), New York (3), North Carolina (4), Ohio (12), Oklahoma (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (8), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (2), Texas (18), Utah (1), Vermont (1), and Wisconsin (4).
Among persons for whom information was available, illnesses began on or after February 27, 2011. Ill persons ranged in age from less than 1 year to 90 years old, with a median age of 23 years old. Fifty-five percent were male. Among the 94 ill persons with available information, 37 (39%) were hospitalized. One death was reported.