The Utah County Health Department (UCHD) is continuing to work with the City of Saratoga Springs, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, the Utah Department of Health, and other public and private organizations to determine the cause of this campylobacter outbreak.

Since May 11th, 15 lab confirmed cases of campylobacter have been reported to the UCHD. We also have reports of many more individuals who are ill with symptoms consistent with campylobacter. The UCHD epistemology staff have been interviewing affected individuals to find a source of the disease. As of now the only common source among cases is the public water system.

On Thursday, May 13th, at the advice of the UCHD the City of Saratoga Springs issued a boil order for residents on the north side of the city. On Friday, May 14th, the city flushed the drinking or culinary water system and added chlorine to kill any lingering bacteria.

Samples were also taken from the system and tested for coliform bacteria -– a commonly used bacterial indicator for such things as E. coli and campylobacter. Initial test results for coliform bacteria came back Saturday and were negative for bacteria, therefore the boil order was lifted.

The Utah County Health Department is continuing its investigation into the disease outbreak.

Interestingly, there also was announced yesterday a campylobacter linked to raw milk.  I wonder if there is a connection – one way or the other.