It has been a busy week juggling poisoned spinach, peanut butter, pot pies and a rash of contaminated hamburger and milk – and dealing with emails from raw milk advocates, but I am still surprised that no one from Texas every took me up on my $10,000 offer for the return of the missing meat.
Rececca Lopez of WFAA TV in Dallas continues to cover the whereabouts of the American Fresh Foods “mystery meat.” According the Ms. Lopez, “Dallas officers have traveled door-to-door to dozens of restaurants in the area searching for the meat. During their search, officers discovered that the Chicken Shack did buy some of the meat. The Chicken Shack owner said they bought only one box of the meat for $20.”
Nearly a month ago approximately 14,800 pounds of ground beef products stolen, along with the unlocked truck, from the parking lot of American Fresh Foods. According to Land Line Magazine reporter, Clarissa Kell-Holland, “as of Friday, January 11, more than 80 percent of the meat still hadn’t been recovered. Health investigators working on the case confirmed to Land Line that some Dallas residents and area restaurants have been approached by an individual attempting to sell the stolen ground beef products door-to-door.”
As I posted last week, there are still many unanswered questions for American Fresh Foods that "poop" into mind, such as:
1. What were you doing with E. coli-tainted hamburger sitting in your parking lot?
2. What were you going to do with it? Was it going to be destroyed? Were you going to sell it as cooked product?
3. Given that E. coli-tainted hamburger is a danger, how was someone able to back a big rig up to the trailer and drive it off your property?
4. Because you knew the hamburger was adulterated by testing, I can assume that you have done genetic fingerprinting (PFGE) on the offending bug? This will be helpful if people start showing up in ER’s with bloody stool. If their stool is tested, and found to have E. coli, and if a PFGE is done, perhaps you can figure out who stole the truck by figuring out who sold the poisoned meat?