I gave my keynote in Nelson, New Zealand (thanks again for the Seattle weather) – “How to avoid the lawyers coming calling on a food safety issue” – I am now in Auckland for a few days and next week I will be in Sydney, Australia giving a similar speech – “Foodborne illness litigation – What have we learned from recent food safety crises?”
In addition to trying to explain Trump (sorry, I can not), I have had to answer a number of questions about the following outbreaks hitting the US over the last week – many while I have been “down under.”
Another Salmonella “Sproutbreak” – It is Time for a Warning Label http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/food-poisoning-watch/19027/#.V6UelkEKzSg.twitter
Michigan Restaurants Implicated in Six Grassfields Cheese E. coli Cases http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/michigan-restaurants-implicated-in-six-e-coli-cases/#.V6UeqqbotjY.twitter
Oahu Hawaii Mystery Hepatitis A Outbreak Hits 135 http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/food-poisoning-information/19006/#.V6UeykrZjLY.twitter
36 at Richey Centennial Event and Class Reunion Hit with E. coli http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/richey-centennial-event-and-class-reunion-hit-with-e-coli-outbreak/#.V6Ue54SG9_Y.twitter
E. coli Illnesses in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont prompt Ground Beef Recall http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/e-coli-illnesses-in-new-hampshire-massachusetts-maine-vermont-prompt-ground-beef-recall/#.V6Ue-taqMVU.twitter
FDA weighs in on North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia Salmonella Outbreak linked to Chapel Hill Creamery http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/fda-weighs-in-on-north-carolina-tennessee-south-carolina-virginia-and-georgia-salmonella-outbreak-linked-to-chapel-hill-creamery/#.V6UfI_Gf9bM.twitter
Two Dozen with Salmonella linked to Marengo Big G Potato Salad http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/two-dozen-with-salmonella-linked-to-marengo-big-g-potato-salad/#.V6UfRH5r9UE.twitter
Ranch Foods Direct Likely Link to E. coli Outbreak http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/18952/#.V6UfdUFfrx0.twitter
Looks like I better get home.