Perhaps reflecting the seeming daily recalls of contaminated food and the frustration with the "Other Washington" in its inability to make our food supply safer and more sustainable, State legislatures are trying to fix the problems on a local level. Here is the "Real Washington’s" attempt. I have been invited to come to Olympia to support the bill.
House Bill 2309 – Commission on Safe and Healthful Food
Creates the commission on safe and healthful food to:
(1) Identify current issues relating to foodborne illness outbreaks and the ways state oversight and regulation may help prevent and mitigate the effects of the outbreaks;
(2) Identify best practices for notifying consumers of food product recalls;
(3) Identify state and federal efforts to enforce labeling and inspection laws and determine if additional resources are necessary; and
(4) Recommend and prioritize actions that may be taken by the state to provide disclosure to consumers on certain food products.
Although, I am not a huge fan of committees and commissions, at least it is a start.