I just received this message from the Senate floor:
“Prior to adjourning, the Senate passed H.R.2751, as amended by the text of S. 510 (with Tester/Hagen Amendment) minus the offending blue slip provisions. The House now needs to vote to pass. It then needs to be signed by the President.”
Interestingly, I had been working the emails both Saturday and Sunday. I had just sent this email when a moment later I got the above one:
I know it is an early Sunday evening in D.C. and you would much rather be home with your friends and/or families. I know, however, that you are likely still at work doing the people’s business. I would ask that you do one more of the many things that are still left to do – please encourage you bosses to put the Food Safety Bill back into play so we can see all of this hard work done.
You might know that I am a lawyer and I have represented many people sickened by foodborne illness. Here is one – https://www.marlerblog.com/legal-cases/linda-riveras-deadly-dance-with-e-coli-o157h7/ – please look at the video. Linda is still hospitalized – since May 2009.
UPDATE: I got this email this morning: “Btw – I gave Reid a note on Friday updating him on Linda and our mtg. I’m not saying that it worked the trick…but you can if you want. :)” And, this email too: “House vote Tuesday.”