Poisoned book Jeff Benedict.pngI was reading this morning that President Obama picked up two books on an outing to Martha’s Vineyard Bookstore “Bunch of Grapes” with daughters Sasha and Malia on Friday: “The Bayou Trilogy,” a mystery collection by Daniel Woodrell set in Louisiana, and “Rodin’s Debutante,” a novel by Ward Just with a character who becomes politically conscious after moving to a rough neighborhood on Chicago’s south side, echoing Obama’s time there as a community organizer before he entered politics.

I took the liberty of buying through Amazon five books of “Poisoned,” the true story of the deadly E. coli Outbreak that changed the way Americans eat, by best selling author, Jeff Benedict, and sent them directly to Bunch of Grapes.

Mr. President, might I suggest one more book to put on your reading list?  It has been getting great reviews.