Lindsey will be sending you her perspective also. Click Here.
What an experience! The energy, spirit and determination of all of these people that united for one common cause was evident the minute we walked into the hotel. Victims, lobbyists, consumer advocacy groups, all with one mission…help make our food safe. I was immediately humbled when I heard stories of 2 year old Kyle who did from a spinach smoothie, or 12 year old Haley who has permanent disabilities from Salmonella poisoning. I have no idea how Kyle’s Mom had the strength and courage to share her story in the press conference in the manner that she did. It was truly heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.
The sorrow you feel quickly turns to frustration and anger when I learned that 5,000 people die annually from these illnesses. It’s clear that the laws and regulations are useless and in need of a complete overhaul. I have no doubt that there are far better quality control systems in place for the toaster in my kitchen versus the food we eat. Then we saw the passion from people like Congresswoman DeLauro, and it provides hope that something will be done. She and Congressman Henry Waxman, both key sponsors of the bill, participated in the press conference.
Lindsey and I met with the staffs of Michigan Congressmen John Dingell, Bart Stupak, Mike Rogers and Senator Debbie Stabenow. They were interested and engaged. We also had the opportunity to speak to the Acting Director of the FDA, Josh Sharfstein, MD.
With the help of the PR Agency, Lindsey has received several calls from local media and one story has already appeared – here.
I have been sharing this story with everyone I know and inviting them to join Lindsey and I and thousands of others in the effort to make our food safe, by going to
I have attached photographs from the event. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate in such a meaningful endeavor. It will be something that I will remember forever.