The 2017 list, rechristened the Web 100, includes 50 blogs, 25 law podcasts and 25 tweeters for lawyers to follow. Perennial favorites are honored in the Blawg 100 Hall of Fame.
Some blogs listed over the years are still thriving after a decade or more, while others went dark long ago. Go beyond our annual lists to search thousands of blogs by specialty and location in the ABA Journal Blawg Directory.
What’s the Blawg Hall of Fame?
In 2012, we introduced our inaugural Blawg Hall of Fame class. These are blawgs that we’ve decided will always be among our favorites and so deserve their own listing that we add to each year. The list of best blogs has grown to 55, with five new additions for 2017.
How does the ABA Journal select digital media to include in the annual Web 100?
The Web 100 is compiled by ABA Journal staff and is largely a favorites list. We ask for nominations from our readers through the Web 100 Amici process. Most successful nominees are regularly updated, with original content, opinion and/or analysis. Blogs, podcasts and social media also are on our radar because they tip off the Journal staff to news, or the posts themselves are worthy of coverage.
Marler Blog
Bill Marler has consistently earned a place on our Blawg 100 list, and it’s not just because the tales of food poisoning outbreaks recounted on his blog keep us up at night. We feel he has truly proven how blogs can help lawyers with niche practices become sought-after experts.