You have to be kidding?

According to Stars and Stripes – Europe-bound bulk meals used by U.S. military personnel contain peanut butter products that are part of a massive recall because of possible salmonella contamination.  The U.S. military has pulled commercial products from store shelves and also from Unitized Group Rations-A, or what old-timers might call T-Rats (no comment needed).

Also, according to CNN, food kits recently distributed as part of a disaster relief effort in Kentucky and Arkansas may contain peanut butter contaminated with salmonella linked to a nationwide outbreak, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said Wednesday.  Commercial meals kits manufactured by Red Cloud Food Services Inc., under the Standing Rock label, have been provided to disaster survivors in impacted communities, and these kits may contain peanut butter which is part of the precautionary national recall underway in accordance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Poisoning old people and kids is one thing, but our troops and victims of natural diasters?  Even Bush might be pissed – remember him?