OK, perhaps, this is not what Mao was actually thinking when he said:

"If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized, because we serve the people.  Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcomings.  If he is right, we will correct them. I f what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it.”

Mao, China’s food safety system is a mess.  If you do not fix it quick, "Made in China" will mean that it is likely poisoned.  If you want market share in the US and EU, people should not have to worry about the candy they eat or the milk their kid’s drink.  My guess is that you would not have tolerated this melamine mess.  Perhaps, it is time for a "Great leap Forward" in food safety. 

I got it, you need to appoint me as Food Safety Czar (È£üÂìÅÂÆâÂÖ®Ê≤ôÁöá) since the Obama folks are still "vetting" me to even give them advice, and McCain, well, that will not happen – my guess is that I fail in the "maverick" department – although, from Seattle, I can almost see Russia.  Anyway, Mao, I am available.  That would be William "Maoler."


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