Dear Food Safety Summit Attendee,
The Baltimore City Health Department and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Division of Outbreak Investigation are investigating illnesses among people who were at the Baltimore Convention Center from April 8-10, 2014. We have not yet determined how people became ill, and we want your help to do so, even if you did not get sick.
Please assist us by answering some questions regarding your time at the convention, whether or not you became ill. We anticipate that this may take about 15 minutes to complete, but your full participation is critical to determining how people have become ill.
The on-line survey is available at the following link:
Again, PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY EVEN IF YOU DID NOT HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS, as we also need to hear from those who are not ill to investigate this situation. If you have any questions about the survey or would like to answer the questions by phone interview, please contact the Division of Outbreak Investigation at 410-767-6700.
Thank you,
Division of Outbreak Investigation
Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Outbreak Response
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Emily Luckman, MPH, BSN
Division of Outbreak Investigation
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
fax: 410-669-4215