In between Listeria cantaloupe and cheese, Salmonella in Mangoes and Peanut Butter and E. coli in ground beef and spinach, I talked to Ily Goyanes.  Here is our interview:

When we first heard of Marler Clark, the “food safety law firm,” we pictured a dozen ambulance chasers strategically posted outside of establishments that served spinach in large quantities throughout the day. After a few conversations with Bill Marler, however, we realized that our assumption couldn’t be further from the truth.

Marler is as passionate about preventing foodborne illness as he is about ensuring that victims are compensated for their medical bills, loss of wages, and decreased quality of life. He has petitioned the USDA for stricter food safety regulations, he works with nonprofit food safety organizations, and he helped push through the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. He also helms the Marler Blog, which he uses as his pulpit and comments about food safety issues, food poisoning outbreaks, and litigation.

We spoke with Marler about food safety, corporate responsibility, and some of his biggest cases.

Follow the jump for part one of our Q&A.