Although I just returned to the States, I will soon be packing my bags again to speak in Australia and New Zealand on food safety.
New Zealand – Facing food safety challenges to reputation and consumer confidence
Technology changes, new production methods, and advances in packaging, storage and distribution of food change what we eat and the way we eat it. Solutions to old problems can also present challenges. NZFSA Conference 2010 examines these issues and looks at how we can work together to promote a food safety culture that will cope with change and challenge, keep New Zealand consumers safe and give confidence to overseas buyers. If you are involved in food you have a role to play in keeping it safe. You need to be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Auckland on 13 and 14 September if you:
• run or manage a medium-to-large size food production, processing, manufacture, import, export or sales business
• represent a food industry organisation or sector
• supply equipment, product or services to food businesses
• are an academic whose field involves food research, technology, public health or safety
• work as a food regulator in government or local government
• are passionate about safe food.
Australia – From Red Tape to Real Value
The theme will explore a variety of issues that affect food safety and examine the relationship between regulatory agencies and the food industry in reducing risks associated with the food supply including how to manage food safety consistently in the global marketplace. The conference program has been structured to allow delegates to meet with industry peers and colleagues from around the world to exchange knowledge and best practice and to discuss and debate the questions faced every day. Program session topics:
• What’s on the menu? Setting the agenda
• The Food Regulatory System Under Review
• Global Food Safety
• Emerging Food Safety Challenges
• Integrated Food Safety Management
• Adding Value to Food Regulation